This scenery is the conversion for Condor2 of the northern part of California 1 scenery with a covered area of 600 000 km².
It covers almost all the states of Oregon and Washington, from the southern part of British Columbia to the northern parts of California and Nevada.
This scenery keeps the general principles of the previous large sceneries, adapted to the new
Condor2 features, with a much better resolution for elevations data, forests and reflections on water. Airfield facilities are standardized except for Hope and North Plains Gliding Clubs.
16,037.00 m. by Bre901 on August 21st, 2020. 15,373.20 m. by HarryHN1 on August 11th, 2020. 13,561.40 m. by Cowtreat on September 18th, 2018. 13,085.20 m. by Soaringeagle on September 21st, 2018. 12,646.10 m. by Pat67 on August 21st, 2018.
Longest fly (duration):
13h 50m 12s by Schwemmer on August 11th, 2021.
Longest fly (distance):
2,028 km by JPT on March 11th, 2019.
Please note that landscapes work only for Condor v1 or v2, not both. Only landscape prefixed with works for v2 otherwise it works for v1 only.
In order to offer a comfortable download, simultaneous downloads are limited. Please turn off download managers, they are not supported and will be blocked.
NEW! Condor Updater is a dedicated tool for Condor 2 landscapes installation. It’s the prefered (and the easiest!) way to download and install landscapes. You can download it from here.
Should you need help for manual download and install, consult this page.